+91 9032117755
Posting a profile on is simple and easy. All you have to do is to fill in the Registration Form with the required fields and you are all set. Once the profile is submitted to us, our administrator will review the profile and approve once the payment has been received. Click here to add your profile.
You can access the page by clicking Edit my Profile option after you are signed in.
Yes, it is suggested strongly at to upload 2 photographs. We suggest one close up and one full length photograph to be uploaded to the profile. This is what will create a first impression hence please ensure that you upload good quality photos which will be reviewed and approved for your profile.
Yes, it is absolutely safe at We have taken all the precautions to ensure that the photographs are water marked and no one will be able to download or copy of take a screenshot of the photos. We have taken utmost care so as to provide privacy and minimize any risks associated with them.
The search option will appear after you login with your User ID and password. You can search for your desired partner based on age, height, marital status, religion, caste, etc.
You can note down the Profile ID/s of the person you are interested in and call our office helpline to check further details. We will help you in expressing interest and set up a conversation with the point of contact. After this step you can take the next step of proceeding with the other formalities if you choose to. The contact details are not visible directly for security reasons so please call our office to get the same.
There is only one single payment and single service across. We would like to keep it simple and sweet.
Your membership and profile are active with us until you find a suitable partner or until you choose to terminate the membership.
Don’t worry. If you have forgotten your password, use forgot my password link type your email address and you will receive your User ID and password credentials immediately.
We have provided an option to change the password on you profile view.

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